Jumat, Januari 11, 2008

The Different Between Sparkling Wine and Champagne

Champagne is a sign of success, luxury, and exclusive because of its unique character. What’s truly that make this drink so special?

Champagne is a kind of wine, which has a unique character because of the bubbles. And so many people can’t different between champagne and sparkling wine.

Hm… how to make different?

Ø Sparkling Wine

- Has CO2 bubbles

- Doesn’t have limit for wine that use

- Each production’s country different and has its own character. There is Cava in Spain, Arbor Mist from USA, also Gancia from Italy

- Usually named based on the vineyard’s name

- Not always use traditional fermentation’s process

- There is 2 kinds of sparkling wine, vintage and non-vintage, but not all of sparkling wine’s region producer

Ø Champagne

- Only use one of more from 5 kinds of wine which live at Champagne Zone, those are Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier, Cherdonnay, Pinot Blanc, Arbare, and Petit Meslier

- The origin from 3 prominent zones at Champagne, France, those are Reims, Marne, and Cote de Blancs

- Champagne’s name taken from the producer’s factory by make it’s own marque

- The process to make it always use mutual traditional fermentation method

- There is 2 kinds of Champagne, vintage and non-vintage

Champagne include into sparkling wine category. However, not all of sparkling wine able categorized as champagne.

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