Kamis, Januari 31, 2008

To Be The 2nd of Drama Festival


April 2007

Mrs. Dedeh and Mrs. Elly told us (24 EC) to join at all of competition by UPI, except debate competition (because until now we don't have a good team for that). We agreed to join the competition, and share the 'works':

# Endah was participates for Story Telling Competition

# Yuliani and Devi was participate for Scrabble Competition

# Nelma was participates for News Reading Competition

# Me, Fatia, Rachmi, Farida, Dhea, Endrio, Ani, Dianing, Ache, Koko, Chita, Satrio, and Tommy was participate for Drama Festival.

I concerned to Drama Festival as co-director. And I helped just a little bit Farida wrote the script. Oiya, we took a traditional folk from West Java, "Lutung Kasarung", with some improves. I asked Farida for the complete story of Lutung Kasarung but it was so ordinary!

Me : We must make a unique drama with unique script!

Farida : How?

Me : Ng… I want to ask a question… who's cursed Prince into Lutung?

Farida : How about fairy?

Me : Fairy? Hm… interesting…

Farida : The Prince is peeping the fairy whose has take a bath at the river. Because the fairy is so angry, she curses the prince into a Lutung.

Me : Hoho… that's interesting. So, who'll be a fairy?

Farida : … you?

Me : (shock) ME!? Why must ME?!

Farida : Because you're the best candidate to play this role. Please… for our victory…

Me : (thinking… thinking) OK, OK… I'll take it!

Finally, I've been a fairy… a ridiculous fairy…

me, rachmi (narrator), and Fatia (maid). do you think I'm beautiful? Come on!

# the day…

We've got the sixth turn, so we could see the other participants. The 1st turn was from Alfa Centaury High School and they made the highest standard. Huh… I was doubt that we could be the first winner. But, I must do the best that I can.

# Time for us to show… our show was so smooth although the music scores couldn't be played and with a little improves. Because the end of that show still needed more time, we went back home firstly.

# The next day, when I came into my class (XI IPA 4), I saw my friends really happy. It was make me wonder to ask. They said that we were being the 2nd winner of Drama Festival! Oh my God, I was so exiting…! I really happy! And of course, I wasn't forget to say thank a lot to my Lord, Allah SWT. Because his blessing, we could be a winner… even though we were not be the 1st winner, we were happy for that!

Sabtu, Januari 26, 2008

The Baby Steps to Save Our Earth


Don’t ever think that your baby step influential nothing. Because, the big problem likes global warming, truly is the accumulation impact of individuals. Let’s pay attention the points that can we do for the mission for minimal of green house effect.

1. Bring Your Own Fabric Bag

Probably, we still hard to say ‘no’ to product that uses plastic. But, minimally you can reject plastic bag when you going to shopping anytime anywhere. How to? Always bring your special own fabric bag. This campaign of decreasing plastic bag is also being popular by Anya Hindmarch., an England designer. She works together with organization “We are What We Do” design a canvas bag with tagline “I’m not a Plastic Bag”.

2. Green Transportation

If the distance isn’t too far, it’s better for you to walk or use your bicycle! Or use public transportation. Besides able to decrease traffic jam, it’s also can minimal for vehicle using. It means decreasing CO2 emission.

3. Choose The Product that Friendly for Environment

Obviously, throw the trash into the garbage is not enough because the trash truly can be recycled. Recycle a newspaper stack until 1,2 meter already able to save our big tree! OK, maybe you still hard to do it. So, choose the products that friendly for environment.

4. Plants Tree!

What’s tree do you like? Just plant on it at yard of your house; so that the carbon in air can pull back. Don’t forget, use tissue and paper as less as possible. This is one of efforts for save the tree.

5. Switch Off!

Switch off your lamp (or you can change it into CFL Lamp because more economical up to 60%). Don’t leave the DVD player, computer, or TV with stand by mode.

6. Decrease AC

Use a fan, or open your window for circulation because AC is dangerous sometimes. Besides that, wind and sun’s heat is better than use dryer cloth machine that can produce a lot of carbon emission.

7. Join for Campaign

Don’t be so doubt to join in campaign of green house anticipation! For example, with write or talk in forum or media. Or you can join into organization like Greenpeace, WWF, Walhi, etc.

Let’s become part of the movement to prevent global warming.

Because if we’re just wait and see and do nothing, maybe we’ll wake up one day, but it’ll too late!

Earth's Call


The earth is getting hotter. Because industrialization and uncontrolled CO2 using, the temperature of earth increases. The research’ result of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) that reported to all of the countries, extremely shocked, be a bad address for human being, plant, and animal. If the use of CO2 not quickly decreased, in the middle of 21st Century, the earth’s temperature will increase 4,50C.

Island or ice continent at North Pole (Arctic) and South Pole (Antarctica) is melting. There is increase of billion cubic water volumes in ocean. The impact, thousands of little islands are sink, the big islands’ region are smaller. The abrasion sinks coastal area and the climate is change.

The phenomenon of global warming directly influences earth’s life. Those are appearing new ills that not existing before in the most modern medical science, which are like mad cow, SARS, and bird flu. Those are “call” from earth to all human being. The various disasters like flood, tsunami, and dried; are also another signs of “earth’s call”. The earth’s capacity to life is decrease. Limited source. Clean water as prominent life is decreasing. Appears global hunger, human’s fight till war of inter-country become another impact of green house effect.

Earth’s call already calling to all of the country, Indonesia too. The flood that attacked mainland Jakarta and other place at Java is example of “Earth’s Call”.

What we must do? Save our earth. Started from simple thing. Just boycott the refrigerator or AC Freon. Plant on something useful like tree on empty land, stop illegal logging, decrease traveling using car or motorcycle, watch out of CO2 emission, maximally alternative energy that friendly for our environment, etc.

If human’s civilization agreed want live on earth forever, they must campaign “Save Our Earth” together. Because “Earth’s Call” still waiting the answer from human, without exception.

Why companies need female managers

news item

Businessman and woman
Ms Fisher says a good business needs both male and female staff

When Helen Fisher speaks, the politically correct members of her audience are likely to flinch.

Declaring that she's "definitely not a feminist," the American anthropologist from Rutgers University dissects the differences between men and women.

Men are more analytical; women are better long-term planners.

Each gender has a different way of falling in love.

And the invention of the plough did more to set back gender equality than anything else since.

What Ms Fisher says is not psychobabble. She bases her findings on archaeological evidence, MRI brain scans, genetics and large-scale surveys of how men and women behave.

And understanding that male and female brains develop and behave differently is important not just if you are in the dating game.

It also helps us to hire the right people, improve teamwork and can - to quote part of the title of her talk at the World Economic Forum in Davos - grow a company's bottomline.

Once upon a time

Double-income families are not an invention of modern times.

Wedding ring
Your ring finger apparently says a lot about you

"In prehistoric times, double-income families were the norm, and women provided 60-80% of the evening meal," says Ms Fisher.

But following the invention of the plough and with the resulting need for hard manual labour, the power balance shifted.

Only since World War I are women re-entering the workforce and regaining their status in society.

But there are much more fundamental differences between men and women, says Ms Fisher, that have been shaped over millennia of evolution.

For starters, men and women are thinking differently. Brain scans prove it, as does plenty of other research.

On average, women gather more data, consider the context, are intuitive, have a sympathising mind and think more long-term. Ms Fisher calls it "web thinking".

Men, on the other hand, are more focused, think linear, focus on rules and the short-term - "step thinking".

The culprit

Blame testosterone for the difference. From the moment the embryo's brain develops in the mother's womb, high testosterone levels will make you focus on details in later life.

Pregnant woman
Blame your time in the womb if you aren't a great detail person

Now lift your hand and look at your palm. Is the ring finger longer than your index finger? Then you were the recipient of high levels of testosterone.

Chances are that you are an analytical thinker (or very musical), regardless of gender, while a shorter ring finger suggests you have a more sympathising mind. And men tend to grow up on lots of testosterone.

You want proof? Research shows that film scripts written by women are more complex and have more ambiguous endings than those written by men.

Male doctors focus on the illness and its treatment, while female doctors take a more holistic approach.

The long-term thinking of women makes them better investors.

It's even true in the bedroom, says Ms Fisher. Men tend to focus more on what they are doing, while women are easily distracted, she says to slightly embarrassed laughter from her audience.

And when men get older and their testosterone levels sink, their brain starts to work differently - they become more sympathetic to the plight of others.

But why the difference? Well, over the ages men tended to be the hunters and needed to focus.

Women, in contrast, had much more diverse tasks, like bringing up children (which Ms Fisher also believes may be the reason why women are better talkers: language is the key tool to control children).

The business case

So what does all this mean for business leaders?

Combine the long-term thinking of women with the short-term focus of men.

And bear in mind that different thinking also results in very different behaviour.

Men think more in terms of status and rank. Women prefer flat hierarchies.

Men can have tunnel vision, women may fail to get to the point.

Women find it difficult to counter aggression. When men push back, it earns them the respect of other men.

When women apologise, they are not really sorry. For men it's a serious affair, a perceived weakening of their status.

Ms Fisher's list goes on and on, but her message is clear.

Managers, says Ms Fisher, have to realise that men and women act differently, and that they complement each other.

Having only men or women on your team would be like hopping on one foot instead of walking.

As the status of women is on the rise again, says Ms Fisher, we "move forward to a lifestyle we had a million years ago".

source: news.bbc.uk

Annan hits out at Kenya 'abuses'

news item

Benadi Mbawa, 32, who was attacked by men with machetes, sits bandaged on a hospital bed, in Nakuru, Kenya
The Rift Valley town of Nakuru has seen some of the worst violence
Former UN head Kofi Annan has condemned "gross and systematic abuses of human rights" in Kenya, after a visit to violence-hit parts of the country.

Mr Annan said conflict may have been triggered by disputed elections, but it had evolved into "something else".

The facts had to be established and those responsible held to account, Mr Annan said.

On Saturday, police brought 16 badly burnt bodies to the mortuary in Nakuru, the capital of Rift Valley province.

Mr Annan - in Kenya to mediate attempts for a political solution - was flown over Nakuru on Saturday as part of a tour that also included visits to Eldoret and Molo district.


Hospital staff in Nakuru said they had received the bodies of nine more people, hacked by machetes or killed by arrows.

Earlier the authorities had imposed an overnight curfew across the city in the wake of renewed inter-ethnic conflict.

Rival gangs of young men battled with machetes, metal bars, bows and arrows, while thick smoke billowed up from burning buildings.

The violence came despite hopes of progress after President Mwai Kibaki met opposition leader Raila Odinga for the first time on Thursday since December's disputed polls.

Burnt forests

Mr Annan set off from Nairobi shortly after first light on Saturday to see for himself some of the destruction and human misery caused by more than three weeks of violence.

Kofi Annan
On Friday Mr Annan held talks with religious leaders

He visited some of the thousands of people in Eldoret whose homes have been destroyed or who moved to the town to try to find shelter.

The former UN chief also boarded a helicopter to fly to Molo district where many have been killed. A statement said Mr Annan was surprised by the extent of the destruction.

Tanzania's former President, Benjamin Mkapa, travelling with Mr Annan, said: "The political crisis in the country [has caused] a state of agony and despair. We console the people."

On Friday Mr Annan held talks with Kenyan election officials and religious leaders in Nairobi.

He said he had "pleaded with the religious leaders to use their leadership, their churches and mosques, to encourage the people to get involved, to work with the leaders for peace.

"The leaders may not be able to do it alone. We all need to play our part."


Nakuru is said to be relatively quiet following the overnight curfew. But there has been sporadic gunfire in the city on Saturday.

The BBC's Adam Mynott says that some protesters erected a barricade across the main road and many homes have been burnt in the town.

Hundreds of people have sought refuge in churches or friends' homes.

There are also reports of truckloads of many young men being moved overnight to a village on the outskirts of the town.

The unrest triggered by the election on 27 December has driven 250,000 people from their homes. Mr Odinga says he was robbed of the presidency.

source: news.bbc.co.uk

Hairstyle oh Hairstyle,,,

analytical exposition

Being teenagers like us actually near with trend, especially hairstyle. Which like Mohawk, emo-style, spike, army-look style, bald, etc. We are free to choose one. Unfortunately, in our ‘lovely’ school there is a rule that boy students’ hairstyle must be ‘neat’; it can’t be longhaired or ‘disorder’ hair. But, I think that rule exactly not too important and the limitation isn’t clear enough. Why I can say that?

Firstly, school doesn’t clarify the rule. How long is hair that permitted or not by school. Don’t make us (the boy students) confuse!

Secondly, I think the hairstyle not influence student’ skill competence when we study. As long as not disturb the other people… I think it’s OK.

Last, school doesn’t know the hairstyle that being happening for teenager now. The theme of the newest style is ‘disorder’ but neat, not neat but ‘disorder’!

So, the conclusion is … the rule about boy’ hairstyle must be completely removed because not effective for us, especially the boy students of 24 Senior High School. I’m sure that although our hairstyle called ‘bad haircut’ by school, we still able to do our best… to create our future of course.

What do you think about the rule? Is it effective?

Minor Threat


Who’s the pioneer of straight edge? Absolutely the answer is Minor Threat, a hardcore punk band. They formed in 1980’s by Ian MacKaye and Jeff Nelson who’s before had a punk band called The Teen Idles. After dispersed, Ian MacKaye (vocalist), Jeff Nelson (drum), Brian Baker (bass), and Lyle Preslar (guitar) made Minor Threat.

The power of Minor Threat is Ian MacKaye’s ability to create a song with fast beats ala hardcore punk. Their first single was “In My Eyes”. This song was really popular and with this song, they acquainted straight edge for the first time.

There were many controversies for this band. For example, the song “Guilty of Being White” made this band accused racism. Minor Threat begins dispersed when the guitarist, Lyle Preslar, moved to Illinois to college and he made a new band named “Big Black” there.

While at Washington DC, Ian MacKaye and Jeff Nelson made a new project. Because they didn’t have the chemistry again, finally they were totally dispersed. Although just three years, their name always be a legend for the punkers.

Straight Edge


Do you know this idiom: “sex, drugs, and rock ‘n roll”? It means rock ‘n roll band always near with free sex, drugs, and alcohol. Uh… so scary, isn’t it?

But, hei… don’t be so apathetic especially think that they only can happy and do not care to around. Because in 1980’s, there was a movement called “straight edge” (or called sXe and xXx).

Hm, what is straight edge?

Straight edge is a movement that rejects some activities like smoke, use drugs, drink alcohol, and free sex. They who follow this concept never do those activities. Simply, we can know that straight edge is gain profit for our health.

We also can say that straight edge as positive philosophy of punkers, their fight to they dislike. For example, torture. So, straight edge is also as a life style, individual commitment, philosophy, till to subculture of hardcore punk music.

By the way, the movement of straight edge also identical with sign black “X” on the backhands of left and right. In the beginning, sign “X” is used as sign that the punker that still young (under 18) can’t buy an alcohol.

Do you know? The others who don’t follow the straight edge movement will respect you. So, you don’t need to compel you for smoke, drink, use drugs, or also free sex. You can get the respect with being the best you. So simple…

So, interesting to follow straight edge movement?

How to be Healthy in 10 Steps

Ten steps to make your health better:

1. Eat the nutritious food everyday.

2. Exercise minimal three times a week in the morning

3. Don’t smoke!

4. Don’t eat too many foods!

5. Avoid hi-fat foods

6. Always take a bath twice a day

7. Don’t drink coffee too much

8. Always check your health to doctor

9. Sleep enough

10. Keep to clean of our environment

Ready from Now for UAN!


UAN… what your reaction if you hear, read, or say it? Happy? Afraid? Or make you crazy?

Huehehe… don’t be afraid or nervous because I have some strategy for us to pass UAN without study all day long.

1. Stronger your will that you extremely want to pass UAN

2. Just positive thinking, guys! Delete your negative thinking in your mind and change it with positive thinking. For example, change the words, “I can’t do it” into “I’m sure that I can do it”,

3. Follow the positive suggestion. You able to look for an environment that can motivate you for success, not make you down,

4. Manage your time! Don’t tow study until the time for UAN just one week left or one month left,

5. Read and use your potential. Only people who able to know their potential that can be a winner,

6. Keep your health, well exercise, enough sleep, eat more nutritious food,

7. Don’t forget to pray! As strong as you work, only God the Almighty who decides.

Then, let’s try those strategy from now on! Insyaallah we can pass UAN and SPMB.


Make Some Resolutions for 2008


2008 had comes, and it’s time to make resolutions! Have you ever make a resolution for the New Year?

The Director of Management Institute and Developing of Human Resource “Performa Optima” Bandung, Mohammad Ridwan reveals some tricks in order to make resolutions, plans, or commitments in the future. He gives “SMART” technique that is able to use for general. SMART is stands for Simple, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time Bounded.

Ø Simple, it means just make a simple resolution, don’t too bombastic or difficult. The example of ‘bombastic’: “I want to buy an apartment”. But, for daily you still beg some money to your parents. The example of ‘simple’: “I’ll got exercise 2 times a week”, because during 2007 you just got exercise 2 times a month.

Ø Measurable, it means that the target, which has made must be something measurable. The example of ‘immeasurable’: “My life will more healthy or better”. The example of ‘measurable’: “I will lose my weight 5 kg.”

Ø Attainable, the example of ‘unattainable’: “I will lose my weight until 40 kg”, but that person has weight 100 kg. The example of ‘attainable’: (student) “I’ll be the first winner next year in my class”.

Ø Realistic, it means… ya… just be realistic! The example of ‘unrealistic’: “I want to be a president”, but that person as long as he lives doesn’t active in any organization. The realistic desire is a target that actually appropriate with your job or your interest.

Ø Time bounded, this point is the most important. In order to make resolutions, also input time bounded for reach it. For example, lose your weight 2 kg could be reached at February or March.

To remember your resolutions, it’s better to write it on paper, notebook, or diary. You can also adhere it on refrigerator, on bedroom’s door, etc. it can motivate or remind you about something that you must be pursuit.

So, have you make some resolution for this year?

Make a Good Wall Magazine!


Make an eye-catching wall magazine actually being first effort so that people want to read it. It’s not wrong if you want your class wall magazine as a place for narcism. Precisely if you fill your wall magazine with more info or story from your class, it will be more interesting too.

Do you need some tips to make a good wall magazine? Here they are…

1. Fixed the exact theme with your class’ condition. Try to make something that can make you and your friends say, “Gosh… this wall magazine is cool!”

2. Prepared all of the materials and equipments for adorning wall magazine. If you don’t have a special budget for wall magazine, it’s better for you to beg some money from your classmate.

3. Started to study about journalism. Read many newspaper and magazines so that you can learn their process and style of writing. You don’t need to use the formal language and complicated.

4. Prepare a digicam (digital camera), so if sometimes there is a unique event in your class or your school, you just take the picture, don’t you? You can also use the camera from cell-phone.

5. Tell to all of your friends that they able to send a greetings, request, even love letter on wall magazine!

6. Also make an interview with all of the extracurricular and teachers. The news about exercise schedule, task, examination result, can you adhere on wall magazine.

So, from now on, don’t just cut-adhere-adorn your wall magazine!

Good luck!

How about your wall magazine in your class?

Raise Your Spirit for Study!!!


Lazy… lazy… lazy… have you ever feel so lazy to study?

Lazy is a ‘virus’ that always alights on students. Maybe you often feel it. Especially when you get study. You just see the math book; eh… your eyes directly feel asleep. It’s different if you watch on TV. Your eyes as if being your friend. Is it strange?

Hm… so, how to ‘heal’ this ‘virus’?

1. Just arrange your time well. Don’t ever waste your time. Make a priority for study.

2. Use healthy life’s pattern. Have enough sleep (among 6-8 hours), frequently exercise, and avoid hi-fat foods. Not must luxurious food, simple but healthy. Always remember “Mensana is Corpore Sano”, it means in healthy body there is also healthy soul.

3. Make a daily activity schedule, so all of your activity can be planned well.

4. Just study with the right manners, are, pray before get started study with the honest aim truly; be concentrated while study; when you come feel bored, stop it for a moment, you can watch TV (min. 10 minutes), stand up, relax sit, walking around your house, or also just moving your body. After that, study again softly.

5. Chose the right time for study. Early evening is suitable for lesson like biology, history, PKn,etc. And early morning is suitable for calculation lesson. Study with step-by-step. Remember! You able because usual.

So, always keep your spirit for study and don’t often complain to yourself…

Take Care of Pets


Have you ever raise a pet? If you don’t, I have some tips to take care of pet. Here they are…

1. Choose the Precise Pet

You must know your personal taste to animal. What do you like? Soft fur and comfortable when you embraced? Choose cat. Do you like seeing something beautiful without need to touch? Buy an aquarium and fill it with fish.

2. Don’t Buy “A cat in the sack” (kucing dalam karung)

This proverb could be literal or also connotation. Before you buy a pet, you must check it. Do the pet is health or not? You must check too the pet is not ‘a stolen goods’.

3. Grow up The Pet from Baby

It easier for you to form the personality of pet if you raise it from baby. You can program your pet to be your dreaming pet.

4. Know the Treatment!

You must really know the characteristic of the pet. How to watch over its health; the feed; the clean; and the attention from you. Especially for health, you must always check up your pet in order to keep your pet from viruses. Take care as well as possible. Not too be spoiled and also not to be tortured.

5. Don’t Get Too Emotionally Attached with Your Pet

There is a person who take care of pets really love his/her pets. When the pets passed away, that person really sad—more than passed away by his/her brother/sister. The behavior like that is quite not healthy. Even though you really love and care with your pets, just remembers: they’re pets. They can’t give feedback as same as human. That’s it.

And remember, being person who take care of pets, you must responsible; it means you must able to treat your pets without loss yourself, the pets, and the others.

Do you have a pet?

To be the Big Ten of Short Story Competition


(It was happen when I 2nd grade)

One day, my Bahasa Teacher when I first grade—Mrs. Neulis—told to me that there was a short story competition by Balai Pustaka Bandung for all youth at West Java.

I thought, “Hm, it’s interesting. I want participate!”

I told about the competition to all my friends at XI Science 4 and XI Social 2. They were interested too.

My short story’s title was ‘Revolusi’ (Revolution). It was tells about the boy who wanted to be a hero for himself and his country with upright the justice and beat the bad people like corruptors and the bad civilians.

Three months later, I asked Mrs. Neulis about the winner. And she told me that I got the 7th rank at West Java.

Oh my God… I was really surprise because my friend’s short stories were better than mine. How could my short story could be included the big ten?

After that, I more and more spirit to write another short story. Of course must be better than before... eventhough I was not included the big three.

Book of Memorial,,,


Definitely, you have ever think that book of memorial (buku tahunan/buku kenangan/buklet) is not important, because, besides the price is expensive, the cost of production could be more expensive.

But… do you know? Book of memorial is the last medium for you to prove that you were exist at your school, even though you’re not famous or didn’t have an important title at your school. So, you must pay attention to your book of memorial.

How to make a good book of memorial? Hoho… you also must pay attention to these points:

Ø Class Profile’s Materials

1. It’s better if your profile’s materials not contain that unregarded with our norm. Your profile’s class will describe your school, so it’s better if the contain permanently protect the good name of your school.

2. Choose the best quality picture or photo, because it’ll increase the quality of picture when it printed.

3. Choose the pictures sufficiently, because a number of photos must be appreciated with allotment pages that are given by the committee.

4. The personal data like telephone number, addresses, e-mail addresses, are important data that you must pay attention carefully. It’s better if this data not written by handwriting for avoid error lecture.

Ø Layout Design

· Firstly, you must know the measure of book of memorial that will make. There are designed portrait and landscape. Usually, there is always use standard measurement like foolscap-size, A4, A45, etc.

· Secondly, design process. You’re able to design manually or digitally. Manually, you can take pictures from magazine or book and cut it off. After that, you can get if for decoration or ornament on page design. Digitally, you can use some processor picture programs, which like Corel Draw, Corel Photopaint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and another graphic program. Before tricked by computer, the design materials need to transferred to computer by some equipment like scanner and saved in digital file picture.

· Last, this digital technique has a lot of profit than manual technique. With digital technique, you can fix the photo’s color, better for cutting photo, and able to repair the quality of photo, and also add some effects that you can’t get with manual technique.

Good Luck!

To be the 3rd Winner of Story Telling Competition


Actually, I just tried participating this competition without preparation. Surprisingly, I could included to be finalist with my story, “Patrick’s Secret Box” (probably you have watched it in your television).

In final, I told the chosen story from the judges. The title of the story was “The Three Billy Goats Gruff”, a Norwegian folk tale. It was tells about The Three Billy Goats Gruff that wanted to eat the grass at the meadow and decided to cross to the fat side of the stream where the grass stood tall and juicy. But first, they had to cross the bridge, and under the bridge there lived a great ugly Troll which very wicked and wanted to eat The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

Then, the announcement…

Judges: “For the 3rd winner… is… Maulana!”

Maulana: “Alhamdulillah…!" (Hyperbole)

The 1st winner was Endah (my classmate) and 2nd winner was Amel (my junior).

Although I couldn’t be the 1st, I really graceful to My Lord that I could be the 3rd winner and got some prizes. ^^

Persib Aing!


Title: Persib Aing

Writers: Dani Wihara & Endan Suhendra

Publisher: Forum Diskusi Wartawan Bandung

Cetakan: I, March 2007

Dense: VIII + 207 pages

In West Java, Persib is an icon. No matter its performance while shining or dreary, Maung Bandung (another nickname for Persib) still is being idol for its “bobotoh”.

The soccer’s climate in West Java is really colorful. The big history in national soccer stage and its huge fanaticism supporter, being something interesting that can’t leave away by national soccer addict.

The tradition being winner at Persib, possible this soccer team continues being part of Indonesia Soccer Society. What Persib do always being standard measure for National Soccer. That things then being magnet for the soccer supporter to more see the power of Persib.

Two-sport journalist, Dani Wihara (GO sport magazine) and Endan Suhendra (Galamedia), try to explain how the footsteps the lovely West Java citizens’ soccer team is. It starts from the history of forming, the golden times, about the fanaticism of bobotoh, and the conspiracy in team’s body.

The book also completed by Persib’s pictures within various tournament and competition from time to time. Besides that, there is also the data of alliance competition and Indonesia League. So, this book could be reference for the soccer mania!

What do you think about this book?

Is it important for bobotoh to read their lovely soccer team's book?

Akeelah and The Bee


Genre: drama

Director: Doug Atchison

Writer: Doug Atchison

Date of production: 2006

Stars: Keke Palmer, Lawrence Fishburne, Angela Basset, Curtis Armstrong

Length: 112 minutes

Twelve year-old Akeelah Anderson’s life isn’t easy: her father is dead, her mom ignores her, and her big brother runs with the local gang bangers. She’s smart, but her environment threatens to strangle her aspiration.

Almost by chance, Akeelah participates in a spelling bee at her school and, much to her surprise and embracement, wins. Her principal asks her to seek guidance from an English professor named Larabee for the more prestigious regional bee. As the possibility of making it all the way to the Scripps National Spelling Bee looms, Akeelah could provide her community with someone to rally around and be proud of—but only if she can overcome her own insecurities, Dr Larabee’s demons, and a field of fellow spellers with experience and advantages for beyond Akeelah’s meager means.

This movie is good because it can make your spirit up to work harder, study harder, and more struggle to face life. This movie also prove that even though Akeelah has a lot of problem, she still can be a winner at spelling contest and change her and her family’s life better.

Don’t be afraid to reach your dream and… never give up before you try it!!

Sabtu, Januari 19, 2008

Flat Asep Project


When I first grade, i participated a project from school called Flat Asep Project.

The Flat Asep Bogor Team from left-to-right:
Maulana, Alwi, Fera, Melly, Laras, Hasni, Mrs. Santi, Furqon.

Bogor is one of city in Indonesia. it is located 60 km far from Jakarta (Indonesia capital city), West Java, between puncak pass and Jakarta. It is called rainy city because it has cold weather and average temperature per month is 26 centigrade. The journey of flat asep started from Mekarsari fruit garden, Batutulis Prasasti and Puncak tea plantation.

One of interesting tourist object in Bogor is Mekarsari fruit garden. It is not too far from Jakarta. In this fruit garden we can see many kinds of fruit plants, which are about 700 varieties of them in 80 haectare. This area is unique because if it is viewed from above the ensemble of Mekarsari looks like lamtoro leave shape. Lamtoro is kind of leave that can be used as an organic fertilizer. In addition, proudly in front to you that Mekarsari is the biggest fruit garden in the world.

for more info just click flatstanley.com/mainpage.htm

The Sumatran Rhinoceros


The Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It is the smallest rhinoceros, standing about 120–145 centimetres (3.9–4.8 ft) high at the shoulder, with a body length of 250 centimetres (98 in) and weight of 500–800 kilograms (1100–1760 lb). Like the African species, it has two horns; the larger is the nasal horn, typically 15–25 centimetres (6–10 in), while the other horn is typically a stub. A coat of reddish-brown hair covers most of the Sumatran Rhino's body.

Image:Sumatran Rhinoceros - Rapunzel.jpg

Members of the species once ranged through rainforests, swamps and cloud forests in India, Burma, Thailand, Malaysia and islands in Indonesia. They are now critically endangered with only six substantial populations in the wild: four on Sumatra, one on Borneo, and one on peninsular Malaysia. Their numbers are difficult to determine because they are solitary animals and widely scattered across their range, but they are estimated to number around 300. The decline in the number of Sumatran Rhinoceros is attributed primarily to poaching for their horns, which are highly valued in traditional Chinese medicine, fetching as much as US$30,000 per kilogram on the black market.[4] The rhinos have also suffered from habitat loss as their forests have been cleared for lumber and conversion to agriculture.

The Sumatran Rhino is a mostly solitary animal except for courtship and child-rearing. It is the most vocal rhino species and also communicates through marking soil with its feet, twisting saplings into patterns, and leaving excrement. The species is much better studied than the similarly reclusive Javan Rhinoceros, in part because of a program that brought 40 Sumatran Rhinos into captivity with the goal of preserving the species. The program was considered a disaster even by its initiators, with most of the rhinos dying and no offspring being produced for nearly 20 years, an even worse decline than in the wild.

source: en.wikipedia.org