Lazy… lazy… lazy… have you ever feel so lazy to study?
Lazy is a ‘virus’ that always alights on students. Maybe you often feel it. Especially when you get study. You just see the math book; eh… your eyes directly feel asleep. It’s different if you watch on TV. Your eyes as if being your friend. Is it strange?
Hm… so, how to ‘heal’ this ‘virus’?
1. Just arrange your time well. Don’t ever waste your time. Make a priority for study.
2. Use healthy life’s pattern. Have enough sleep (among 6-8 hours), frequently exercise, and avoid hi-fat foods. Not must luxurious food, simple but healthy. Always remember “Mensana is Corpore Sano”, it means in healthy body there is also healthy soul.
3. Make a daily activity schedule, so all of your activity can be planned well.
4. Just study with the right manners, are, pray before get started study with the honest aim truly; be concentrated while study; when you come feel bored, stop it for a moment, you can watch TV (min. 10 minutes), stand up, relax sit, walking around your house, or also just moving your body. After that, study again softly.
5. Chose the right time for study. Early evening is suitable for lesson like biology, history, PKn,etc. And early morning is suitable for calculation lesson. Study with step-by-step. Remember! You able because usual.
So, always keep your spirit for study and don’t often complain to yourself…
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